Top 7 Tips For Finding Your Voice
By Alt SLC speaker Karen Walrond.
1) Stop comparing - It's natural to be curious about what others in your field are doing, but one of the biggest wastes of time is comparing your work with theirs. Particularly since it is patently impossible to create effectively in someone else's voice -- the inevitable result is disappointment. Accept that you will do what you do differently from everyone else. Believing in this will be incredibly freeing.
Given this, I want to be sure to make the distinction between comparison and inspiration (because I do think that inspiration is critical in being a creator):
- Comparison will make you feel bad about yourself, or stir ugly feelings of resentment or jealousy. It is completely destructive, and should be avoided at all costs.
- Inspiration will spur you to try harder and do better work. Inspiration encourages experimentation of your own techniques. Inspiration is a good thing, and should be strongly encouraged (but always giving credit where possible).
- I won't touch on flat-out copying someone's work, because I think we can all agree that plagiarism of any type is wrong. Copying should obviously be soundly discouraged.
2) Practice seeing - I encourage all creators to keep their cameras close at hand - your camera phone will do nicely - and take time each day to photograph something beautiful, inspiring, or thought-provoking. You don't have to share the images if you don't want to, but it's a great way to gather a body of work, that gives you evidence of what it is that you are passionate about.