For Sponsors: Brand Ambassadors – Lessons from Dating
By Sara Urquhart. Photography via Ruffled.
A brand ambassador is someone who promotes your brand in the world of social media. Ideally, she’s a person who already uses and talks about your products, but she can also be someone who would authentically use your products once she’s introduced to your brand. We couldn’t help but notice some parallels between finding brand ambassadors and courting a special someone.
First, find the right person. Look for anyone who’s already saying nice things about you and your brand, either through your Twitter name or a hashtag about your product. Look for people who mention you in positive ways often. You can also look for people who are pinning and re-pinning your products on Pinterest, or posting about you on Instagram.
Maybe you have the perfect blogger in mind, but she doesn’t even know you’re alive? Before you set up a blind date, do some research about how she does engage with brands. What does it look like on her blog and Twitter? Look at her media kit and prepare your approach based on what you’ve learned.