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    Alter Your World 

    By: Melanie Blodgett. Photography by: Rachel Denbow

    During January's Alt Summit, we introduced Alter Your World. In case you need a refresher, simply put, the Alt community does good. A lot of good. Whether your actions are big or small, we're all contributing to making the world a better place and we want to celebrate that! To launch Alter Your World, we teamed up with FashionABLE and for a project. A project that exceeded our expectations in every way.

    Alt Summit community members were invited to design scarves that would be woven by the women of fashionABLE in Ethiopia. After sorting through tons of entries, the winning design was selected by Alt attendees and the gorgeous black and white design is now available for purchase. Yippee! Buy a scarf and save a life.

    Now it's your turn. The next time you or your friend does something to better the world, we want to know about it. Did you volunteer at the women's shelter? Did your friend raise funds for a meaningful cause? Or maybe your friend brightened someone's day with an act of particular kindness. Again, we want to hear about it!

    As a thank you for participating, everyone that let's us know about an #AlterYourWorld act of goodness by May 31st, will be automatically entered to win a free ticket to Alt NY or Alt SF (your choice)! To enter it takes three easy steps:

    1. Write a post about the things you or someone you know are doing to improve the world. The act can be small or large.
    2. Include the Alter Your World button, from the Alt site on your post.
    3. Tweet the post link using the hashtag #AlterYourWorld by May 31st.

    We will track the #AlterYourWorld hashtag and choose a random winner each week. That's right — there will be 4 winners! Now, tell us about the good you see. We can't wait to read your write-ups!

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