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    Meet Our Speakers from SLC 2013
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    Alt Summit Blogging Goodness in SLC, NYC, and now Online!


    The Latest from our Blog

    Altitude Design is your definitive resource for the very serious business of beautiful, brilliant blogging. A community of exciting, creative thinkers and entrepreneurs, Altitude Summit is a workshop with all your closest friends, and friends-to-be! Did we mention our flagship event in SLC from January 2014, and two one-day events in NYC on June 20, 2013 and SF on July 18, 2013?

    We’ve convened the absolute bee’s knees of lifestyle bloggers to discuss how to build, brand and beautify your site. Alt Summit is a must for the budding blogger or the established icon. Can’t make it in person? Don’t forget to check out all the cool stuff on our newly expanded site. Alt Summit is better than ever with myriad morsels of blogging tips and tricks. Learn more...


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