I need a roommate! Please shoot me an e-mail and maybe we can find a good place and split the costs. Thanks! Jaime Huffman (JaimeNHuffman@me.com)
Hi There! I was very generously gifted a ticket to Alt Summit - but it appears that all the nearby hotels are sold out and I can't afford the remaining $500/per night options. Would anyone be willing to take me in as their roommate?
Hello I am looking for a roomie. I have a reservation at the Courtyard Marriott a couple blocks away from the grand.
Hey guys! I'm looking for a place to stay, as per usual I left it to the last minute and now everything's booked. Yikes! If you need a roomie please please pretty drop me a line hello@theartfuldesperado.com - I'll buy u chocolates! :)
I am looking for a roommate or someone who wants a roommate to split costs. please get in touch if interested!